So I decided this year to participate in the 365 project, where you take and post a photo each day for a year. I've heard that it will help you become a more proficient photographer, which I would love to be. So I decided the morning of January 1st to do that. However, January 1st was a very busy day for me because I babysat six little boys during a wedding reception that lasted 5 hours. I had the help of two wonderful high school girls and we actually had a blast. Now I know what works and what doesn't work for a handful of boys between the ages of 3.5 years and 6 months.
All About Collection, Volume 1, the DVD, which features monster trucks and trains is a big winner with that demographic. As are stackable blocks. Food, surprisingly, does not attract them as much as you think it would. However, apple juice will bring kids to the table like nothing else. Also, when one is babysitting a bunch of little kids, who are strangers and cannot communicate that well, nametags (to stick on them and on their stuff) are very helpful. By the end of the evening, we had figured out who was who, but we forgot which diapers belonged to which kid. Still we had a fantastic time and armed with this newfound knowledge, I am ready to babysit a bunch of kids whenever I am needed.
As I was driving home, I realized that I had not taken my 365 photo yet, so I decided to take one of my car clock when I reached home. Technically it is from January 2nd, but let's just say it's from the 1st.